Part 40: Edgar and the Princess

Styopa: We should return to our posts then.

There they go...

Anastasia runs off, and the scene shifts to what seems to be a clock shop.

And we finally meet Edgar, the watchmaker.

I think "stirring up mischief" should just be assumed with Anastasia.

Edgar just sighs. I wonder how many times he's heard that excuse. "Princess, why did you glue feathers to the Tsar's favorite wolfhound?" "For the benefit of Mother Russia!" "Why did you tie your sister's braids into a knot?" "For the benefit of Mother Russia!" "Anastasia, why did you eat all the cookies?" "For the benefit of *burp* Mother Russia!"

I love this shot, because it shows how ridiculously short Edgar is.

The mystic what?

Well, there's the camera (which has no inventory entry!

Anastasia nods. Not that we'll let that big old homophobe Rasputin keep us from talking to Yusie.

Edgar laughs as he sees Anastasia out of the shop, even though I'm sure he knows she's probably up to something. It just proves that when you're cute, you can get away with almost anything.

Anastasia waves as she leaves, and then...

She stops at the door as someone comes in.


Anastasia curtsies to the Chin, then exits the shop.

Edgar starts taking the pocket watch apart as Kato looks around the shop.

The middle of a war seems like an odd time for a "diplomatic tour". Or at least, a very dangerous time.

Both men pause in their conversation and look out the window. There seems to be a slight red glow visible.

Okay, Kato, you really need to knock off the "thoughtful brooding". It's getting kind of creepy.